Emerging-Market Bulls Tout Modi Premium as Indian Election Nears

Modi is likely to spend heavily on manufacturing and infrastructure should he win, continuing a strategy…

Are alternative investments worth the risks involved?

With time, investors started gaining confidence in these alternative investment platforms, particularly after their capital was…

Hottest Indian Stock Index Also Has the Best Earnings Potential

(Bloomberg) — The NSE Nifty Next 50 Index is emerging as the hottest stock gauge in…

Returned $2 billion, including co-investments, in 5 years: Everstone’s Mehra

The firm has also been backing founders of Indian origin who aim to build global businesses…

Will investing in bonds be made easier in India?

Indian investors love fixed income, and equity. Bonds, however, have not made the cut yet. The…

Why Mukherjea is factoring in high inflation for retirement goals

“The consumer price index-inflation (CPI) has high weightage of food prices, whereas for the mass affluent…

SEBI directs finfluencer to pay over ₹12 crore for unlawful gains

The Securities and Exchange Board of India (SEBI) has issued an order directing a financial influencer,…

Of Daniel Kahneman and why investors need the skill of delayed gratification

Daniel Kahneman, who died on 27 March, was best known for debunking the notion of ‘homo…

Retail investors and the fixation with equity MFs

Retail investors predominantly invest in equity mutual fundsand, as per data put out by the Association…