Kabul Gurdwara attack: IS-K targets Sikh shrine over Prophet’s remarks by Nupur Sharma. News – Times of India Videos

June 21, 2022, 12:03 AM ISTSource: TOI.in Last prayers were offered at Gurdwara Guru Arjan Dev…

Kabul Gurdwara attack: Sikh bodies urge UN to ensure security of Afghan minorities

New Delhi: Observing that religious places are representative of the history, social fabric and traditions of…

Kabul Gurdwara Attack: ISIS Takes Responsibility, Calls It ‘Insult To Prophet’

Kabul: The Islamic State Khorasan Province (ISKP) claimed responsibility for the Karta Parwan Gurdwara attack in…

Suspected terrorists of ISIS attacked Kabul Gurdwara

Unidentified gunmen attacked a Sikh gurdwara in the Afghan capital Kabul on Saturday morning. India World…

Former IS-chief who was behind Kabul gurdwara attack killed in Afghanistan – Times of India

Islamabad: Days after killing of Pakistani spokesperson Taliban In Afghanistan, Aslam Farooqui, former head of Islamic…