‘Maharashtra will burn if…’: MNS leader to Home Minister Dilip Walse on threatening letter to Raj Thackeray

Image Source: PTI MNS chief Raj Thackeray. Highlight Maharashtra will burn if Raj Thackeray suffers even…

Maulana asks mosques in Karnataka to install sound control devices

Maulana Sagir Ahmed Rushdie, Amir-e-Shariat of Karnataka, also appealed to the youth to remain calm while…

VHP guide board meeting in Haridwar in June, likely to raise love jihad, loudspeaker, temple issues

Another issue that is likely to figure prominently on the agenda would be the conversion of…

Housing for the poor at religious places, no new loudspeakers: Top decision by Yogi Sarkar 2.0 in first 30 days

As the Yogi Adityanath government completed 30 days today, it took several decisions on employment, housing,…

let’s practice to practice the intensity of those who try to loudly

Section 144, 149 and 151 of CrPC etc. Mumbai: The Mumbai Police began to actively pay…