Russia’s ally Kazakhstan refuses to recognize Donetsk, Luhansk as ‘independent republics’

Russia’s ally Kazakhstan has refused to recognize Donetsk and Luhansk as independent republics. Denis Pushilin and…

Ukrainian army pushed back from Severodnetsk center

The cities of Severodonetsk and Lisichansk, separated by the river, have been targeted for weeks as…

Firing in Ukraine’s Luhansk region kills five civilians, says governor – Times of India

Zelensky now says Ukraine will not insist on NATO membership. International – Times of India Videos

March 09, 2022, 03:04 PM ISTSource: Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky has said he will no…

Important points of China from the Russo-Ukraine war

While developments in Ukraine present some challenges, they promise more positive outcomes for China. While developments…

Approving Russia, Ukraine said, no longer insisting on NATO membership

President Zelensky says ready to ‘compromise’ on status of two separate pro-Russian regions – Donetsk and…

Comic-turned-President Zelensky steps into a role he hasn’t rehearsed for – Times of India

He appeared on Ukrainian television early Thursday as the threat of war loomed. first president Volume…

India appeals for ‘extreme restraint’ on Ukraine crisis in UNSC session

new Delhi India on Tuesday expressed deep concern over escalating tensions along Ukraine’s border with Russia…

Ukraine rise

The Ukraine crisis took a sharp turn for the worse after Russia ordered its troops into…

Boris Johnson: Britain will immediately impose tough economic sanctions on Russia, says PM Boris Johnson World News – Times of India

London: Britain will immediately impose tough economic sanctions Russia after the president Vladimir Putin Ordered the…