ESA has captured the cratered, fissured face of the second-highest volcano on Mars. details here

The European Space Agency (ESA) has captured the cratered, fissured flank of Escarius Mons, the second…

China’s Zhurong Mars Rover Finds Traces of Recent Water Activity on the Red Planet

China’s Zhurong Mars Rover will land on the Red Planet in 2021. China’s fully robotic Mars…

What is ‘Marsquake’? NASA detects vibrations on Mars, how different from Earth

The National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) has made the first direct observation of the core…

To Get To Mars, SpaceX First Needs Starship To Launch

This particular launch is almost two decades old. In early 2005, Musk indicated plans to build…

SpaceX gets the green light from the US government for the first Starship flight into space

Last Update: April 15, 2023, 05:15 IST SpaceX was supposed to launch the rocket earlier this…

Earth Has A Mechanism To Clean Itself, Here’s How It Happens

OH is an important oxidant inside water droplets and the main assumption in the models is…

NASA will send 4 humans to live on Mars by June 2023

The National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) is training four people to live on Mars this…

Five planets in a row! A cosmic spectacle visible on March 28. details here

Another cosmic sight is likely to be seen in the last week of March. This time…

Pressurized Natural Caverns Could Offer Homes on the Moon

Imagine a habitable colony on Mars or the Moon and the types of structures that come…

Mars will be Margi before Makar Sankranti, know which zodiac signs are good and which need to be careful

Makar Sankranti 2023: Mars is on the way. Makar Sankranti 2023: The auspicious festival of Makar…