Keep your body active with these yoga asanas

Yoga is a way of life. It offers many benefits to people of all ages. The…

Good Mood-Boosting Habits for the Morning

Everyone starts the day differently. Some people like to wake up early and plan their day,…

Viral Video: Buffalo helps turtle by overturning it, the internet enjoys

The buffalo standing nearby tries its best to help the turtle by turning it over. Not…

Meditation, wellness startup backed by P Gopichand and Abhinav Bindra unveils new health-tracking ring

Dhyan, a wellness wearable startup backed by badminton legend and national team coach Pullela Gopichand and…

To help with larger growth, this change can lead to an increase in height.

Child’s height: Help with in-volume measurement. special things Keep this in mind for the development of…

Enhance your mental health by stimulating the brain with Mindfulness, Dancing

Like a thick velvet headband, the somatosensory cortex runs from just above one ear to the…

International Yoga Day: How to empower mind, body and soul healing through 3 simple steps

For most of us, the yoga journey begins with an ‘asana’ class without a deep understanding…

The number of corona crisis in the country has increased

symbolic photo. New Delhi: The number of accounts included in the database has increased. But experts…