Xinjiang: Xi Jinping speaks with UN rights chief as Xinjiang row – Times of India

Beijing: Chinese President Xi Jinping Had a video call with UN rights chief Michelle Bachelet on…

Explainer: Weapons used in Russo-Ukraine war – Times of India

Moscow: The Russian invasion of Ukraine is the biggest conflict Europe has seen since World War…

Blinken: Blinken says Russian ‘crimes’ in Ukraine increasing by the hour – Times of India

Geneva: US Secretary of State Anthony blinken said united nations human rights council Tuesday in Russian…

Forced vaccination not okay ‘under any circumstances’: UN rights chief – Times of India

Geneva: Countries are considering introducing a vaccine mandate in the fight against it COVID-19 must ensure…

Sudan: Killing of protesters in Sudan ‘extremely shameful’: UN rights chief – Times of India

GENEVA: The UN rights chief on Thursday condemned the use of ammunition by Sudan’s security forces…

UN, US officials urge action to avert climate disaster – Times of India

Berlin: Top UN human rights official and US President Joe BidenThe U.S. climate envoy on Thursday…

Taliban: Fearful US residents in Afghanistan hiding from Taliban – Times of India

Kabul: Every night in another home in the Afghan capital, a California American green card-holder couple…

UN urges ban on use of AI endangering human rights – Times of India

GENEVA: UN human rights chiefs are calling for a ban on the use of artificial intelligence…