Ministry of Science recognised specialty chemicals major acquires 100 pc stake in plasticisers maker

Image Source : FREEPIK Interior view of a chemical factory. Specialty chemicals maker Vikas Ecotech has…

Ministry of Science recognised specialty chemicals major to set up research laboratory with NABL accreditation

Image Source : PEXELS A representational picture of Laboratory Test Tubes A leading provider of high-end…

Indo-German Week of Young Researchers 2022 inaugurated to promote collaboration

New Delhi The Indo-German Week of Young Researchers 2022, inaugurated today, brought together young researchers from…

Newly identified gene may hold clues for treating fungal infections in immuno-compromised patients

New Delhi A newly identified gene may hold the key to preventing the fungal infection candidiasis…

Fast-charging, low-cost e-cycle developed using Na-ion batteries and supercapacitors: Science Ministry

Bangalore Scientists have developed low-cost, fast-charging sodium-ion based batteries and supercapacitors and integrated them into e-cycles,…