Influenced like the Indo-Obgeliania together, I

India-Australia contrasted infected (file photo) India (India) And (Australia) crossed the border it In respect of…

More than 180 crore doses of Kovid-19 vaccine are being given in the country: Government

Union Health Minister Mansukh at once said that the number of 180 crore doses is related.…

Updates started in 20 issue of Delhi government, vaccine according to 15-18 years

It is fine for the age group. (symbolic photo) New Delhi: Daily Due to regular recuperation…

India supplied more than 723 lakh doses of 94, United Nations divided vaccines: Government

Healthy Family Welfare Minister Bharti (File photo) New Delhi: ‘Insect supply to the vaccine’ is supplied…

So far the poison has gone bad in India like more…

There are many sick people in the country. (photo photo) New Delhi: Viruses get worse after…

Total 97 of Kovid-19 in India so far. Dr. Dr.

Post-19 global news in the country has crossed the mark of 97.62 crores. (photo photo) New…

Mumbai: As muscle specs, as required by the patient

The patient’s immunity is faster for the patient who falls in the weaker category (precautious photo)…

Karnataka tops Kovid-19 test, 26.92 lakh people

In Karnataka, 26.92 lakh people applied for the corona vaccine on Friday. (photo photo) Bangalore: On…