re-squaring in the heights of the Himalayas

Beijing seems to have taken Modi’s prescription of 2014 as ‘inch ki mile’, rather literally on…

Vigilance, Vaccination and Endemic COVID-19

There is an opportunity for progressively easing continued low transmission restrictions, but under vaccination, the use…

Bhagwat: RSS chief Mohan Bhagwat expressed concern over the increasing Muslim population, said- temples being given to the heretics. Nagpur News – Times of India

Nagpur: Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh (RSS) Sarsanghchalak Mohan Bhagwati In the context of religion, there has been…

Mizoram: Drug flow rises in Mizoram amid turmoil in Myanmar. Guwahati News – Times of India

Aizawl: Current state of turmoil in the country myanmar The ongoing civil war not only led…

Govt says COVID-19 cases showing declining trend across India

New COVID-19 cases have come down across India and even in Kerala, but Mizoram remains a…