WHO gives new names for monkeypox to ‘avoid crime’. Here’s What Variants Will Be Called Now

Image Source: AP Meanwhile, Delhi reported its fifth monkeypox case, with a 22-year-old African woman testing…

Delhi Monkeypox Alert! Fourth case detected Nigerian woman tests positive; India match now 9

Image Source: AP Delhi Monkeypox Alert! Fourth case detected Nigerian woman tests positive; India match now…

Delhi: LNJP shares update on monkeypox patient, appeals to administration to be careful

New Delhi A 30-year-old man, who became the first case of monkeypox virus in the national…

Monkeypox New Case: Even Traveled Abroad, Still People, About Monkeypox, How is it and for Treatment

Smallpox vaccine is 85 percent complete to prevent monkeypox. Monkeypox Cases in India: These were the…