Hasbro India’s latest board game combines the charms of Monopoly with cricket

It’s that time when cricket permeates everything. The nation is gripped by the World Cup frenzy,…

Is monopoly pricing by India’s ‘Big 5’ driving up inflation?

Viral Acharya, former deputy governor of the Reserve Bank of India, has set the cat among…

Google announces these sweeping changes for Android device makers in India

Google on Wednesday said it will allow device makers in India to license their individual apps…

US lawsuit says Google, Facebook chiefs approve online marketplace agreement

The top owners of Google and Facebook were straight Involved In approving a 2018 deal allegedly…

2022 Starter Kit: Kids Corner

Neo smartwatches for the ‘Star Wars’-inspired Monopoly set — gifts for the little ones Vodafone X…

Breaking the Hype Around the Metaverse

Its objectification in the hands of a corporation could be detrimental to the Web 3.0 decentralization…

Epic’s legal victory against Apple was not a real victory

When the creators of Pac-Man thought about porting their blockbuster video game out of the arcade…