covid-19 | sure shot

Government’s vaccination effort comes for praise, but most believe we should be wary of virus A…

economy | pinch of prices

TeaThe NDA government under Prime Minister Narendra Modi, who took power for the second time in…

Entertainment | stars in our mind

No one replaces Big B, but Shah Rukh sees the biggest jump in popularity in six…

opposition | clean up residue

heyn 5 August, when top Congress leaders dressed in black on the streets of the national…

game | field force

Popularity in the game is not just the domain of male cricketers; PV Sindhu continues her…

Best CM | home player

MOTN findings on best chief ministers show parties cannot underestimate the importance of powerful satraps in…

Foreign Affairs | perfect balance

Most of the respondents firmly believe that India cannot go the Sri Lankan way. Almost half…

Socio-political issues | reduced freedom

In 2019, India, the world’s largest democracy, was ranked 27th in the Economist Intelligence Unit’s annual…