Discovery of Congress: Hindu Editorial on India Jodi Journey

Congress leader India pair visit of Rahul GandhiA ‘United India March’, in fact, is an ambitious…

covid-19 | sure shot

Government’s vaccination effort comes for praise, but most believe we should be wary of virus A…

economy | pinch of prices

TeaThe NDA government under Prime Minister Narendra Modi, who took power for the second time in…

Entertainment | stars in our mind

No one replaces Big B, but Shah Rukh sees the biggest jump in popularity in six…

opposition | clean up residue

heyn 5 August, when top Congress leaders dressed in black on the streets of the national…

game | field force

Popularity in the game is not just the domain of male cricketers; PV Sindhu continues her…

Best CM | home player

MOTN findings on best chief ministers show parties cannot underestimate the importance of powerful satraps in…

Foreign Affairs | perfect balance

Most of the respondents firmly believe that India cannot go the Sri Lankan way. Almost half…

Socio-political issues | reduced freedom

In 2019, India, the world’s largest democracy, was ranked 27th in the Economist Intelligence Unit’s annual…

PM’s popularity

Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s approval rating, tracked by Morning Consult, again tops the list of 13…