Government must work to restore faith in Indian statistics

Promoting trust in institutions is one of the cornerstones of ensuring lasting trust in democratic systems.…

India lifted 415 million people out of poverty; UN lauds ‘efforts’ and ‘remarkable reduction…’

UPDATE: July 11, 2023, 05:43 PM IST livemint The result of…

data | Uneven Progress: Inter-District Disparities in Tamil Nadu

Computer facility in schools: Students learning basic computer operations inside a specially designed bus at Panchayat…

We have made significant progress on poverty reduction

Some good news and some not so good news. This is a summary of the latest…

A tale of two indices in this age of economic contrasts

Both the Global Hunger Index and the UNDP’s Multi-dimensional Poverty Index indicate a need we cannot…

Mint Explainer: Ending urban poverty in India could be within a long distance

According to the Multidimensional Poverty Index (MPI), an initiative of UNDP and the Oxford Poverty and…

Survey data on poverty and broad policy indicators

Engagement with survey data is needed, but grassroots realities should shape programmatic interventions Engagement with survey…

Treating the Planet Well Can Help Progress

An integrated perspective is essential as social and environmental problems can no longer be addressed in…