Dash, Thalassa and The Panther impress

Dash, Thalassa and The Panther impressed when the horses were exercised here on Monday (Feb. 19)…

Snow and divine thoughts catch the eye

When the horses were exercised here on Thursday (March 9) morning, snow and divine thoughts caught…

It’s My Time and Esperanza impress

It’s My Time and Esperanza impressed when the horses were exercised here on Friday (24 February)…

Doc Martin and the Smile of Fortune Show Out

Doctor Martin and Smile of Fortune showed up when the horses were exercised here on Wednesday…

Spring Grove, Moonshot and Successor Show Out

April 04, 2022 17:58 IST Updated: April 04, 2022 17:58 IST April 04, 2022 17:58 IST…

giant star shines

On Tuesday (March 29) morning, when the horses were exercised here, the giant star shone. Inner…

Winning sermons and redefining catch the eye

Mumbai March 09, 2022 17:53 IST Updated: March 09, 2022 17:53 IST Mumbai March 09, 2022…

Siplad and Son of a Gun’s Eye

Ciplad and Son of a Gun caught sight when the horses were exercised here on Thursday…