Heard of Music therapy? It gives relief from THESE many diseases

Image Source : FREEPIK Heard of Music therapy? It gives relief from THESE many diseases We…

World Music Day 2023: 5 soothing Hindi songs to help you calm your mind

Image Source : FREEPIK 5 soothing Hindi songs to help you calm your mind Well, who…

Having A Stressful Day? 6 Ways You Can Relieve Stress With Music

As a result of the added responsibilities we have all taken on to assist manage our…

Listening to music may reduce virtual reality headaches: study

Listening to music can help reduce dizziness, nausea and headache experienced by virtual reality users after…

Boost Your Memory: The Positive Effects of Music on Your Brain Function

Increase memory power: Since ancient times, music has often been used for therapeutic purposes. Today, it…