US to declare Rohingya repression in Myanmar a ‘genocide’

Secretary of State Antony Blinken plans to make the long-awaited designation at an event at the…

Opportunity to tap India’s high equity in Myanmar

Though there are challenges, the momentum gained from the recent visit of the Indian Foreign Secretary…

Unlike the West, India cannot separate Myanmar for geopolitical reasons. India News – Times of India

New Delhi: Indian access to Myanmar was overdue this week, striking a fine balance between engaging…

Shringla on visit to Myanmar, in first reach of military regime

In a first of its kind outreach to Myanmar’s military-backed regime, Foreign Secretary Harsh Shringla headed…

Fear in Rohingya refugee camps after killings – Times of India

Kutupalong (Bangladesh): Blood stains still mark the spot where killers shot Mohib Ullah, an activist who…