UK’s Liz Truss vows stronger energy bill support for homes – Times of India

London: Lizzu trussforward to change boris johnson As Britain’s prime minister, she said she would act…

Sunak tries to bridge rival’s gap in PM’s race – Times of India

LONDON: Rishi Sunak, who is trailing in the race to become Britain’s next PM, has vowed…

Britain’s new finance chief Jahavi inherits economic crisis – Times of India

London: Britain’s new finance minister was born in Iraq nadim zahavihas inherited a cost of living…

Britain’s Boris Johnson on the verge of resignation of two top ministers, under question

A growing number of lawmakers in his party have said the game is up to Boris…

If UK PM Boris Johnson is ousted, who can replace him?

London : British Prime Minister Boris Johnson is facing a vote of confidence on Monday after…

UK confirms local transmission of monkeypox – Times of India

LONDON: Britain is seeing daily infections of the rare monkeypox virus unrelated to any travel to…

Mask rules tighten in Europe in winter’s Covid-19 wave – Times of India

Rome: Wearing or not wearing a mask is a question that Italy quickly resolved with a…

Classes reopen in some parts of Europe, UK exams in schools – Times of India

LONDON: School children returned to classes in parts of Europe on Monday, while the British government…

Omicron: Omicron Miller is putting fewer people in ICU, says UK PM – Times of India

London: omicron The version of COVID-19 is “plainly lighter” than previous variants and is putting fewer…

English school children will have to wear masks to combat omicron surges – Times of India

LONDON: Children in secondary schools in England will be asked to wear face coverings when they…