Expand the topic of nutrition for adolescent girls

‘What further complicates the situation is that many factors influence nutritional intake in adolescent girls’. photo…

Number Game: The Hindu Editorial on the State of World Population Report 2023 and India Projection

latest State of the World Population ReportAn official analysis by the United Nations has officially sealed…

wide disparities in human development

IIndia is now one of the fastest growing economies globally. However, this growth has not resulted…

Importance of women-led digital solutions

A farmer woman talks on her phone in a village in Thanjavur district of Tamil Nadu.…

Invest in changing social norms to end child marriage

Arrest, suicide, fear. In Assam, a 17-year-old girl ended her life because she could not marry…

result of neglect of the health sector

Image has been used for representational purpose only. , Photo Credit: PTI Teahe fixed allocation Budget…

difficulties in age determination

In November 2022, four years after the eight-year-old girl was gang-raped and murdered in Kathua, the…

Fixing India’s Malnutrition Problem

The Global Hunger Index (GHI) 2022 brings in more unpleasant news for India as far as…

A tale of two indices in this age of economic contrasts

Both the Global Hunger Index and the UNDP’s Multi-dimensional Poverty Index indicate a need we cannot…