Shanghai: A setback for Shanghai’s COVID fight; Beijing focuses on mass testing – Times of India

Shanghai: The Commercial Capital of China Shanghai Monday came in a blow as authorities reported 58…

Shanghai: Shanghai a major Covid milestone, Beijing sits on the edge – Times of India

Shanghai: Shanghai said on Saturday it had detected no new daily Covid-19 cases outside quarantine zones,…

China facing Omicron ‘tsunami’ as Shanghai, top official says, Beijing battles to curb Covid spread – Times of India

Beijing: facing China’s “tsunami” omicronA senior official said on Friday, as the country reported more than…

Beijing: Beijing orders closure of schools to tighten virus rules – Times of India

Beijing: Beijing All city schools are closing to further tighten COVID-19 restrictions, as China’s capital seeks…

Covid: China Covid death toll rises as Beijing warns of ‘serious’ situation – Times of India

Shanghai Reported 39 covid Deaths on Sunday, its highest daily toll despite weeks of lockdown, while…

Shanghai: More Chinese cities lift curbs as Shanghai cases rise – Times of India

Shanghai: ShanghaiThe coronavirus outbreak continued unabated with more than 23,500 new cases, while the northwestern Chinese…

Covid cases break record in China as Shanghai extends lockdown

China reported a record number of local Covid-19 cases on Monday, as authorities imposed a sweeping…

Chinese cities on Covid alert as New Year’s holiday – Times of India

BEIJING: China is on high alert against COVID-19 as a New Year holiday, with the city…

China vaccinated over 80% of its people against Covid-19 – Times of India

BEIJING: China has vaccinated 82.5% of its 1.41 billion population against COVID-19, a health official said…

China reports 104 new coronavirus cases for November 3 versus 109 days earlier – Times of India

Beijing: China reports 104 new confirmations coronavirus Cases on November 3 compared to 109 a day…