3 arrests on charges of murder of married woman in Bhopal, action will be taken under NSA

symbolic picture. Bhole: Police has arrested 3 people for the murder of a boy in Bhopal.…

Ruckus over implementation of NSA in Chhattisgarh, Raman Singh government attacked

The National Security Act (NSA) by the Chhattisgarh government has informed the political paracord amid the…

Hong Kong speech therapist sentenced to 19 months for books – Times of India

Hong Kong: a Hong Kong A court on Saturday sentenced five speech therapists to nearly two…

Hong Kong political activists plead guilty amid crackdown – Times of India

Hong Kong: In Chinese controlled authorities Hong Kong Says 29 out of 47 pro-democracy activists have…

Hong Kong visits to mark Xi Jinping’s anniversary, crushing dissent

Hong Kong : Chinese leader Xi Jinping visits Hong Kong to commemorate 25 years since Britain…

look | What has changed in Hong Kong since the National Security Act was passed?

A video marking two years since the National Security Act came into force in Hong Kong…