US jobless claims fall for the second straight week

Initial filings for unemployment benefits fell for the second consecutive week in late January, a sign…

The decline in the Omicron wave in India could be just as sharp: SBI report

According to a research report by SBI, if districts like Bengaluru, Pune stop the rise of…

omicron wave: cutting isolation period makes no sense

Before Omicron, people in the UK with COVID symptoms or testing positive had to self-isolate for…

Europe past Omicron peak? Experts wary about time taken to make calls on variant wave

Health experts and politicians have warned against complacency, saying it is not yet clear whether their…

Banks ready to strengthen in December quarter

Mumbai Analysts said banks are expected to report a pick-up in business growth in the December…

The third wave of Kovid will reach its peak by the end of January: Maharashtra Minister

Image Source: PTI A view from the top of the JJ flyover in Mumbai. (representative image)…

Third Wave: Rapid spread, but fewer hospitalizations

A Mint analysis showed that less than one in 10 infected patients in Delhi are in…

Expert panel defers approval of Kovid pill

The Subject Expert Committee (SEC) of India’s drug regulator has deferred approval of the much-awaited COVID-19…