Oil climbs above $121 a barrel as China eases sanctions, EU meeting

Oil prices rose to a two-month high of $121 a barrel as China eased COVID-19 restrictions…

EU summit to agree sanctions must include Russian oil sanctions with pipeline waivers

The 27 EU member states will “address the issue of temporary exceptions for crude oil delivered…

EU does not agree to Russia’s oil embargo, leaders say

“We are not there yet,” said European Commission President Ursula von der Leyen. Estonian Prime Minister…

India’s import of cheap Russian crude oil since the invasion of Ukraine

India’s marine oil import volume from Russia does not include CPC blend oil, which is also…

G7 calls on OPEC to play key role in easing global energy supply

Ministers in the G7 group have insisted they will not let the energy crisis derail efforts…

EU fails to agree on Russia oil embargo, to try again Monday ahead of summit

The proposed sanctions on oil imports are part of the EU’s sixth sanctions package on Russia…

Oil hits 2-month high on tight supplies, EU calls for sanctions on Russian crude

OPEC+ meets on June 2 and expects to stick to last year’s deal to raise July…

Oil above $120 a barrel ahead of EU meeting on Russia sanctions

The European Union is due to meet on Monday and Tuesday to discuss a sixth package…

UN seeks $144 million for downing Yemen oil tanker

David Gresley, the UN resident and humanitarian coordinator for Yemen, said he hoped a donor conference…

Oil mixes amid tight supplies, Beijing lockdown fears

A pending EU embargo on oil from Russia, the bloc’s major supplier of crude and fuel,…