How big a threat is the Omicron covid variant? WHO shared update

The World Health Organization said on Sunday that the Omicron coronavirus variant is more transmissible than…

5 cases of ‘Omicron’ variant confirmed in New York

Omicron Covid variant: New York reported five cases of the new Omicron Covid variant. New York:…

A new warning from South African scientists on the seriousness of the Omicron Kovid variant

Leading South African scientists warned that it was too early to determine whether the Omicron variant…

South Africa Return Is US’ First ‘Omicron’ Variant Case; symptoms mild

Omicron Covid Variant: The first case of Omicron variant of Covid-19 has been reported in the…

COVID is “borderless”: UN chief calls travel ban “unfair”, “ineffective”

Omicron COVID Version: UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres rejects travel restrictions. United Nations: UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres…

South African disease expert says Omicron Covid variant may outpace Delta

Johannesburg: The omicron coronavirus variant The highly infectious Delta found in southern Africa may be the…

Delhi airport on new guidelines for ‘fast arrival’, Omicron War

In the case of climate change in the southern climate the World Environment Organization (WHO) has…

Moderna CEO says world may need new vaccines to fight omicrons

Drugmakers including Moderna and Pfizer are already working on an Omicron-specific vaccine. (file) London: Current COVID-19…

Omicron COVID variant poses ‘very high’ global risk, countries must prepare: WHO

GENEVA: The Omicron variant is likely to spread internationally, posing a “very high” global risk where…

First image of Omicron covid variant shows many more mutations than delta

new covid version omicron Created and published by the prestigious Bambino Gesu Hospital in Rome, this…