WHO says China underreporting Covid deaths, asks for more reliable data

WHO says China underreporting Covid deaths, asks for more reliable data

You can get COVID twice, but what are the chances?

Recent research suggests that COVID-19 re-infection is more common and can happen within a shorter period…

Can new oomicron sublineages evade antibodies from infection? what the study says

Amid a sudden increase in fresh cases discovered by South African scientists this month, new omicron…

Is it time to introduce COVID shots for kids?

The US Food and Drug Administration (USFDA) has postponed its decision to authorize Pfizer Inc.’s COVID-19…

South African doctor behind Omicron variant alarm says suspected cases tend to be mild

A South African doctor who raised concerns over Omicron said on Sunday that dozens of his…

Karnataka calls for imposing travel ban on those coming from countries hit by Omicron

Karnataka Chief Minister Basavaraj Bommai on Sunday urged the Center to impose travel restrictions on travelers…