Marginalized people are bearing the brunt of the pandemic

For the past several weeks, fresh Covid cases in India have been below 30,000 per day.…

India has the second largest number of female learners on Coursera worldwide, in most STEM courses

A survey by Coursera states that women are turning to online education at higher rates than…

return to school after 17 months

The post-COVID-19 situation is complex and the ‘where we left it’ approach will not work for…

data | Only 8% of children in rural areas study online regularly in August

According to the latest ASER report in rural Karnataka, the share of Class 5 students enrolled…

Coursera to set up center in India, tie up with IITs, ISI and Ashoka University

Edtech platform Coursera will set up an operational center here in India to meet the growing…

Odisha issues strict implementation of COVID norms in schools amid rise in infections among children

The Odisha government has issued a new guideline for strict enforcement of COVID norms in schools…

97% of parents want schools to reopen, not offering online classes: Survey

In March 2020, with the announcement of the nationwide lockdown, schools were also closed. And now…

NIOS to offer online board exams from 2022, start virtual schools

NS National Institute of Open Schooling (NIOS) From 2022 the board will offer the examinations online.…

JNU to reopen for PhD students from September 6 in a phased manner

The Jawaharlal Nehru University (JNU) on Saturday said its campus will reopen in phases from September…