Imran Khan’s problem with the establishment of Pakistan

‘Imran Khan has been on the offensive against the Army and the Inter-Services Intelligence (ISI) ever…

Workers of Pakistan’s ruling coalition party crawled to the gate of the Supreme Court

The ruling Pakistan Democratic Movement was protesting outside the Supreme Court. The protest was against Chief…

Top news stories of the day: May 13, 2023

Karnataka Assembly Elections | Congress returns, Rahul Gandhi thanks people, cadre The Congress is leading with…

Imran Khan’s supporters celebrate his release, Pakistan Muslim League-Nawaz leaders in turmoil

Islamabad: According to a Geo News report, Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf (PTI) supporters were happy over the release…

Imran Khan’s arrest brings Pakistan closer to the edge

Imran Khan was expecting an uneventful day in court as he traveled from Lahore to Islamabad…

Former Pakistan PM Imran Khan told the court that he was in danger for his life

Pakistan’s former prime minister Imran Khan told an accountability court here on Wednesday that he feared…

‘LoC is being closely monitored’: India’s first reaction after former Pakistan PM Imran’s arrest

Image source: AP Massive protests in Pakistan after Imran Khan’s arrest Amidst the chaotic situation in…

Pakistan judge offers to stop efforts to arrest Imran Khan if he surrenders in court

Former Pakistan Prime Minister and Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf (PTI) chief Imran Khan addressed the nation on March…

Imran Khan’s supporters protest across Pakistan

Angry supporters of Imran Khan took to the streets across Pakistan. (Representative) Islamabad: Angry supporters of…