Fight against bauxite mining in Odisha: the view from the hill

Dibai Majhi, 22, cradles her month-old son in her sari, as she stands with about 30…

Former bureaucrat E.A.S. Sarma seeks intervention of the President to protect the interests of Adivasis in Andhra Pradesh

Former Union Secretary E.A.S. Sarma Adivasis, who have been cultivating government lands in the State for…

Strawberry cultivation making waves in Odisha’s tribal heartland

The rugged Sunabeda plateau, 3,000 feet above sea level along the Orissa-Chhattisgarh border, has always been…

Andhra man murdered after ‘death sentence’ to tribal elders in Kangaroo Court

After a 33-year-old man was sentenced to death for allegedly killing an elderly man by a…