World’s smallest dog, smaller than a TV remote, sets Guinness World Record

The height of the pearl is 9.14 cm and length is 12.7 cm. A two-year-old female…

Delhi is like…

Dr. Kal decided to change the environment. The same is the same with the people of…

India at the forefront of proposal for talks: External messenger

Is New Delhi: Foreign Secretary (Foreign Secretary) Vinay Mohan Kwatra (Vinay Mohan Kwatra) on Friday helped…

Shatrasa: Samudthir kayre month se se se se se se se hai belly belly belly belly se se kaynaur se se se se se kaynaur se kaynaur se se se se se se se se ne ne ne no no no no no no

The minister said, for 2022, 53 crores are required for monthly control. Colombo: Sankat (Sri Lanka)…

Viral video of pearls moving upwards between bottles filled with water

This fun science related experiment is blowing the senses of the netizens. Water balance experiment video…

To provide financial assistance, India extended a loan of $ 50 billion

$500 million facility for Comillan (symbolic picture) Colombo: To cover storm surges and emergencies, India has…