Are aliens real? Do they exist? Here’s why scientists haven’t contacted them yet

The search for aliens and extra-terrestrial civilisations continues considering the laws of probability that suggest Earth…

Vegan Month: Everything you need to know about the growing trend

Vegetarian Month, celebrated every January, started in the UK in 2014, is intended to encourage non-vegetarians…

New study finds evidence of multiple planets made of water, rock around small stars

A new study has emerged that suggests that many more planets may contain larger amounts of…

Here’s Why Some Distant Planets Have Clouds of Sand in the Atmosphere

While clouds are made of water on Earth, their composition is quite different on other distant…

These four planets will come in a row behind the moon this week. details here

Astrophiles will get to witness a thrilling experience as a rare celestial event is going to…

Chaitra Navratri 2022: Mana

Navratri 2022: On Chaitra Navratri is the care of the people. Chaitra Navratri: Chaitra Navratri is…

Holashtak 2022:

Holashtak 2022: Flying planets, Remedies for the planets in Holashtak It is believed that kissing should…

NASA explains why February is an action-packed month for stargazers

Providing important knowledge about the planets in the Solar System along with some fascinating space events…

And this is how Lucy tells a story

In fact, it was an cyst—the long and thin bone of both in your forearm. Looking…

Love Triangle: Moon With Saturn Tonight, Jupiter Will Be Tomorrow

While Saturn will appear faint in the night sky, it can be seen through binoculars. (Image…