Merger is to blame, says Montek Singh Ahluwalia Video – Hindi News Video NDTV Khabar

Montek Singh Ahluwalia, the former vice-chairman of the commission and who played an important role in…

Abhijeet Sen carved a niche of his own

He has had a lasting impact not only on the rural and agricultural sector of India,…

Temples built by Jawaharlal Nehru

Nehru’s shining legacy is deeply rooted in India’s growth story since independence Nehru’s shining legacy is…

Gadgil vs Mahalanobis: The Great Indian Data War

When we think of India’s big data debate, two immediately come to mind. The first and…

The poor state of India’s fiscal federalism

The concerns of the Founding Fathers – addressing socio-economic inequalities – are being forgotten in today’s…

Life and times of ‘National Income Rao’

In one of the early meetings of the Planning Commission, chaired by India’s first Prime Minister…

80% of $2 billion CPEC projects running behind schedule in Pakistan – Times of India

New Delhi: China-Pakistan Economic Corridor of $ 60 billion (CPECAccording to a media report on Sunday,…

How to accurately assess the debate on extreme poverty in India

Two recent working papers, one from the World Bank, and the other from the International Monetary…