Share common interest with policymakers on user security: Meta’s Antigone Davis

How do you view user security in the face of emerging regulations? We share the same…

Scotch speculation on RBI’s letter on inflation

Neither the Reserve Bank of India (RBI) nor the government has so far found it fit…

Cold Comfort: The Hindu Editorial on Inflation and Government Intervention

newest retail inflation number Prices point to a slight softening of gains momentum, and this should…

Policymakers may be the real threat to the US economy

Something is still felt in America’s economy. It is booming in many ways with a strong…

Right Price: On TRAI’s latest recommendations

The Telecom Regulatory Authority of India’s latest recommendations on auctioning of airwaves identified for 5G services,…

Fixing Frequency First: On 5G Economic Payouts In Budget Speech

Policymakers must ensure that the 5G economic payoff will outweigh the high cost Finance Minister Nirmala…

Liberal economics creates liberal societies

A new form of ‘Gandhian’ democratic socialism driven by cooperative economic enterprises is needed. The rising…

Be prepared for the worst: On the Omicron reaction

The Omicron edition is galloping across the US and several countries in Europe at a pace…

The road to recovery: on sustaining growth

The latest GDP and GVA estimates from the Office for National Statistics have confirmed that the…