Pope Francis Condoles Loss Of Lives In Odisha Train Accident

Vatican: Pope Francis on Sunday condoled the loss of lives in the train accident in Odisha’s…

‘Tired’ Pope Francis clears schedule after catching fever

By Agence France-Presse: Pope Francis has a fever that caused him to clear his schedule on…

Pope sends one of his top sex crime investigators to Bolivia as abuse allegations mount

by the associated pressPope Francis has sent one of his top sex crime investigators to Bolivia…

AI-generated picture of explosion in Pentagon goes viral, chaos in stock markets

An AI-generated image showing an explosion at the Pentagon, a major military site in the United…

Ukraine’s Zelensky expected to meet Pope Francis tomorrow: report

Volodymyr Zelensky is expected to meet Pope Francis at the Vatican on Saturday. Kyiv: Diplomatic sources…

“Historic Crack in the Stained Glass Ceiling”: Pope Allows Women to Vote at Bishops’ Meet

Francis has progressively expanded the roles of men and women since 2013. (File) Vatican City: Women…

Photos: King Charles’s Coronation Cross to Take Shards from the “True Cross”

After the coronation, the cross will be shared between the Anglican and Roman Catholic churches in…

AI-generated pics show celebrities preparing and serving Ramadan Iftar in Dubai

The images were created with the help of AI image generator Midjourney. The viral artificial intelligence…

Pope Francis to skip Good Friday procession due to cold weather

The Vatican said the pope would observe it from his residence. (file) Vatican City: Pope Francis,…

In new documentary, Pope Francis says ‘sex is a beautiful thing’

Vatican CityPope Francis has praised the virtues of sex, describing it as “one of the beautiful…