This puzzle will test your skill and patience level, are you ready?

Last Update: May 20, 2023, 09:47 IST Can you spot the hidden meaning behind the word…

Can you solve this egg laying puzzle?

Last Update: May 07, 2023, 08:01 IST How many eggs are left? The riddle that left…

7 Life Lessons Board Games Teach You

In addition to being fun toolkits that keep us engaged and foster creativity, board games also…

Solutions by the People for the People

Policy-making at all levels needs to be more inclusive and less dominated by the powerful and…

Author Reshma Budhia’s book ‘I Am’ starts a conversation on creativity

The book attempts to present creativity under a new light for parents, teachers and children The…

become a business analyst

The job involves keeping track of all the necessary information to lead the organization towards greater…