Of hope and vigilance: declaring that the COVID-19 pandemic is no longer a global health emergency

The world’s lived experience with pandemics has provided it with evidence that pandemics tend to die…

With COVID-19 ‘over’, applying lessons learned

approximately 1,192 days from January 30, 2020, when COVID-19 has been declared a ‘public health emergency…

WHO may rename monkeypox to ‘MPOX’: report

US-based newspaper Politico reported that the World Health Organization (WHO) is looking to change the name…

Outline of an essential global pandemic treaty

A treaty under the umbrella of the World Health Organization would build coherence and prevent fragmentation…

Lessons Learned: On the Strategy of Monkeypox

The World Health Organization has declared a viral outbreak a Public Health Emergency of International Concern…

explained | Brief description of the monkeypox outbreak

By declaring monkeypox as a Public Health Emergency of International Concern, how does the WHO tackle…