The hottest year: How heat fueled extreme weather in 2023

Deadly floods, heatwaves and storms have unfolded against the backdrop of what climate scientists say is…

Canada wildfires release record 160 million tonnes of carbon

The EU’s Copernicus Atmospheric Monitoring Service on Tuesday said wildfires burning through large swathes of eastern…

Canadian woman finds message in bottle thrown into ocean 30 years ago

Trudy Schettler shared a photo of the bottle on Facebook. A Quebec woman found a message…

Canada’s 4 provinces issue invitations for provincial immigration

Four Canadian provinces – British Columbia, Quebec, Manitoba and Prince Edward Island – recently issued invitations…

4 dead, power cuts due to heavy storm in Canada

Canada: Ontario police said several more were injured in a strong summer storm. Montreal: Four people…

Air India gets partial relief in Dewas award

In partial relief for India, a Canadian court has ruled that investors of Dewas Multimedia can…