10 Recipes In 10 Minutes: Rustle Up Delicious Meals When There’s No Time To Cook

I am a working mother and it goes without saying that I have limited time (sometimes…

Cook Healthy Persian Roasted Eggplant Salad in Just 20 Minutes

What is the first thing that comes to your mind when you hear the word salad?…

Looking for a homemade dessert? Try This Simple Bread Mawa Roll Recipe

Last Update: February 22, 2023, 13:57 IST So, without further ado, let’s start with that. It…

5 things you can make with just onions, tomatoes and coriander

There are days when we open the refrigerator only to find it almost empty. Let’s agree,…

This Multi-Purpose Vegetable Masala Recipe Will Make Your Cooking Easier Than Ever

In India, cooking from scratch is a long-standing culinary tradition. We spend a lot of time…

Try This Easy Paneer Pancake Recipe and Enjoy the Deliciousness

Last Update: 10 October 2022, 17:46 IST Without further ado, let’s just scroll down and follow…

Quick Recipes: This Easy 2-Ingredient Spinach Pasta is ready in a jiffy

On some days, cooking can be a relaxing activity, while on others; It can be an…

7 Quick and Easy Recipes for Monday Night Dinner

Come Monday and everyone is back to work. After two days of relaxation, Monday seems to…

Weekend Specials: These 7 Meals Are Perfect to Make When You Don’t Want to Cook

The weekend is here, and we all have different ideas of how we want to enjoy…

5 quick and healthy recipes for late dinner

With OOT platforms ruling our lifestyle, our nights have become longer and dinner has shifted to…