मध्य प्रदेश : नाबालिग दुष्कर्म पीड़िता ने बेटी को जन्म दिया

मध्य प्रदेश के खंडवा जिले में 15 वर्षीय बलात्कार पीड़िता ने एक बच्ची को जन्म दिया…

video | Biggest Stories of (Nov 08, 2022)

Biggest Stories of (Nov 08, 2022)

Not opposing rape does not mean action was taken with consent: Patna High Court Patna News – Times of India

Not fighting against rape victim does not mean consent: Patna High Court (file photo) Patna :…

UK data watchdog tells police to stop treating rape victims as suspects

Britain’s Data Protection Authority has urged police and prosecutors to stop treating rape victims as suspects…

Buzzcut: Sexual assault in the metaverse is ‘real’ and laws, morals are downright dangerous

BuzzCut is the new series from News18 where we break down a recent trend on the…

Hawa scandal: Printer Siddiqui Kappan arrested U.P. like contempt against the government

Kerala printer Siddiqui Kapoor was linked with 3 people by the police. (photo photo) New Delhi:…