India’s smaller rice crop paves way for prolonged export curbs

For the first time in eight years, India’s rice output is expected to drop this year,…

1,200 डॉलर प्रति टन से कम दाम के बासमती चावल के निर्यात की अनुमति नहीं

चावल के निर्यात पर रोक नई दिल्ली: सरकार ने प्रीमियम बासमती चावल की आड़ में सफेद…

Rice Export Ban: Govt Decides Not To Allow Basmati Exports Below $1,200 Per Tonne – News18

The government has decided not to allow exports of basmati rice below $1,200 per tonne to…

Data | Why India’s rice export ban impacts Asian and African nations the most

Rice kept for sale at a retail outlet in Kochi, Kerala. | Photo Credit: K.K. Mustafah …

Mint Explainer: Why are Indians abroad rushing to stock rice?

Social media footage showcasing non-resident Indians in the US frantically purchasing rice at grocery stores have…

Rice Shortage Panic Sweeps Across US As India’s Export Ban Bites

The panic reminded many of the baby formula shortage in the US. Washington: Panic buying, hoarding,…

Why NRIs in the US are packing rice bags from India

The Non-Resident Indians in the US are reportedly packing dozens of rice bags from India and…

India’s rice export ban will further affect global good supply

India banned the export of broken rice and imposed a tax on other key varieties, which…