IIT Bombay Accused Of Violating Reservation Norms In PhD Admissions 2023: Report – News18

Published By: Sheen Kachroo Last Updated: September 02, 2023, 16:13 IST Even though there were many…

World Consumer Rights Day 2023: Consumer Rights and Responsibilities that every Indian should know

published by, essay humor Last Update: March 15, 2023, 00:18 IST On the occasion of World…

Morning Digest | India absent in UN vote on Ukraine; Gandhi family likely to stay away from Congress Steering Committee meeting, much more

The United Nations General Assembly on Thursday, February 23, 2023, voted at the United Nations Headquarters…

RBI should not play the game of ‘only for your eyes’

The RBI’s secrecy over its failure to control inflation last year risks a lack of information…

RBI’s strange logic

The Reserve Bank of India’s (RBI) response to an appeal filed by Mint under the Right…

Tamil Nadu Information Commission performing worst in RTI accountability, says study

Tamil Nadu’s State Information Commission is the worst performer as far as accountability under the RTI…

To start at a fast pace in India

symbolic photo. London: To give information for communication and communication. A behavioral expert with Gray Gorobot…

Can Right to Information help track down tenants who ran away without paying rent?

RTI filed on the address of the tenant who vacated the house without paying rent, but……

data | Vacant posts, delayed workforce, RTI replies and appeals

The number of Information Commissioners and Public Information Officers to be reformed to handle the rise…