Incorrect signal: on MediaOne

The Kerala High Court’s decision upholding the government’s decision to revoke the broadcast permission granted to…

Contact for details of wife

A Case for Changing to the Updated Status of Privacy New Delhi : the inspection a…

Act of Faith: On Karnataka Anti-Conversion Law

Karnataka should not adopt regressive law in the name of stopping conversions It is unfortunate that…

Pegasus probe will reverse the ‘chilling effect’

The complacency of the government in the espionage case is worse than its alleged involvement in…

A credible investigation: on the Supreme Court’s decision on the Pegasus controversy

Center should fully cooperate in the investigation launched by the Supreme Court on the use of…

Supreme Court appoints expert panel to probe Pegasus controversy

The three-member expert panel, overseen by retired Supreme Court judge RV Raveendran, will also explore the…

The ugly face of the crime-fighting move

Implementation of National Automated Facial Recognition System in India lacks adequate safeguards Why could no meaningful…