Inflation in Russia below 4%, Putin’s victory on the economic front

Updated: April 13, 2023, 10:45 PM IST livemint As America struggles…

countering the hegemony of the dollar

A trader counts US dollar notes at a currency exchange booth in Peshawar, Pakistan. , photo…

8 billion rubles of Indian oil companies trapped in Russia

Not a huge amount, says director (finance) of OIL, confident of getting it after the conflict…

Russia’s economy is faltering – but the ruble is rising

Based on a Dow Jones market data analysis of 56 currencies, the ruble strengthened this week…

EU ready to end Russia gas, warns not to pay in rubles

Europe gas shortage: The European Union said that no European company is preparing to pay in…

buy chargers

to docs. To behave regularly. They will be specifically enforced when they are specifically enforced, in…

Russia stops gas flow to Poland, Bulgaria, deepens economic conflict with Europe

European officials condemned the move, which threatens the continent’s energy supply, as blackmail by Russia. Natural…

No talks on Rupee-Ruble trade: Commerce Secretary

Commerce Secretary BVR Subrahmanyam on Wednesday said there is “no official discussion” on the rupee-ruble mechanism…

S&P downgrades Russia’s forex rating to ‘selective default’

The S&P on Saturday downgraded Russia’s foreign exchange rating to “selective default” over the heightened risks…

What will happen in rupee-ruble denomination trade?

India and Russia are in talks to see how the rupee-ruble trading regime can be revived.…