Shortage of troops in Ukraine, Russia is struggling with its manpower problem

As Russia seeks to take initiatives in eastern Ukraine, Moscow has had to find new manpower…

Russian attacks on Kharkiv break recent peace, create dilemma for Ukraine

Ukrainian officials say the region receives shelling from inside Russia, but Kyiv faces a ban on…

Russian forces enter important city in eastern Ukraine

The Battle of Severodonetsk is in many ways similar to the Battle of Mariupol, where Russian-backed…

Russian soldier sentenced to life in Ukraine war crimes trial

A three-judge panel in a court in the Ukrainian capital found that Russian tank-unit sergeant Vadim…

Russia-Ukraine conflict | The Hindu Editorial on the downfall of Mariupol

Surrender of an estimated 1,000 defensive forces who were hiding in the huge Azovstal steelworks Mariupol…

Ukraine begins first war crimes trial of captured Russians

Image source: AP. Russian Army Sergeant Vadim Shishmarin, 21, is seen behind a glass during a…

Ukraine war: Russia says it practiced fake nuclear-capable missile strikes

In the wake of the ongoing war, Russia said on Wednesday that its forces were practicing…

Men and boys raped by Russian soldiers in Ukraine, according to report

Reports now show men and boys among the alleged rape victims, amid cases of sexual violence…

20 civilians evacuated from besieged plant in Ukraine’s Mariupol: report

Ukraine War: Thousands are killed and over 13 million people are forced to flee their homes.…

In case of a special type of space closure,

The President said that he would do so. it was said. Expressions of Vakt are added…