the land under the feet of the president

Persistent failures and confusion in policy making and implementation are at the heart of Sri Lanka’s…

Clues to ancient life found in 2.5 billion year old ruby ​​in Greenland

Researchers at the University of Waterloo in Canada have discovered a carbon residue that was once…

Elephants became toothless due to ivory poaching during the Mozambican Civil War

Like the long necks of giraffes in Lamarck’s theory, elephants have evolved to be toothless as…

IIT Madras researchers develop energy efficient white light emitting crystal

A group of researchers from the Indian Institute of Technology (IIT) Madras has developed a white…

DU 3rd cut-off list 2021 – Times of India

DU 3rd cut off list 2021

Optimal blood pressure helps slow down the aging of our brains: Study News – Times of India Videos

15 October 2021, 04:30 AM ISTSource: ANI According to new research from The Australian National University…

Blue Origin spacecraft carrying ‘Star Trek’ actor Shatner launches in Texas

A fully autonomous Blue Origin rocketship lifted off Wednesday from a launch site in rural West…

When Global Warming Stops, Seas Will Still Rise

In a world that warms one and a half degrees above that benchmark, today’s additional 200…

DU second cut-off list 2021 – Times of India

DU second cut off list 2021

World Space Week 2021: Theme, History, Significance

World Space Week is dedicated to the celebration of scientific and technological advances that have contributed…