Thrikkakara’s thumping bypoll victory excites Kerala Congress, but will it put the brakes on the silverline?

Congress candidate Uma Thomas has won the Trikkakara bypoll in Kerala by a record margin of…

Thrikkakara bypoll results in Kerala will have political resonance

UDF’s thumping victory in Thrikkakara by-polls will re-consolidate the dominance of the new leadership. Will help…

All eyes on Thrikkakar

By-election in Trikkakara Assembly Constituency in Ernakulam district on 31st May The ruling CPI(M)-led LDF in…

Anti-people stand, Pinarayi 2.0 government promoting arrogance: UDF | Thiruvananthapuram News – Times of India

Thiruvananthapuram: Anti-people attitude and arrogance driving the other LDF government led by Pinarayi VijayanOpposition leader VD.…

‘Doubting Thomas’: Senior Kerala Congress leader takes new row, questions allies in letter to AICC

Senior Kerala Congress leader KV Thomas has stirred another controversy by writing a letter to the…

Top Kerala News Events Today

Here are the top Kerala news stories to watch for today: 1. Thunder and Lightning Alert…

Silverline is not a vanity project

This is part of a long-term effort to modernize the economy and create new jobs in…

A train to unite Kerala: On the Silverline project

The ambitious Silverline project deserves in-depth analysis and to reduce traffic, the state needs an integrated…

Center Can’t Allow Kerala’s New Rail Project, Says Metro Man E Sreedharan

Silverline will divide Kerala as masonry walls have to be provided on both sides: E Sreedharan…

Kerala Silverline Project: State government outreach program in Thiruvananthapuram receives various suggestions

The state government’s outreach program received a series of suggestions from people from different walks of…