Why are mutual funds a better investment option for senior citizens?

A mutual fund (MF) is a diversified investment pool under which investors’ money is held in…

3 Five-star rated equity funds grow SIP of ₹10,000 to over ₹9 lakh in 3 years

When it comes to equity mutual funds, investors should think of investing for the long term…

5-Star Rated Equity Fund converts monthly SIP of ₹10,000 into ₹13 lakh in 5 years

Multi-cap funds are a widely preferred category for investors who wish to profit from equity investments…

Mutual Fund Calculator: Monthly SIP of ₹10,000 grows to over ₹10 lakh in 5 years

Various investments, such as mutual funds, or stocks, held for more than a year are known…

Mutual funds grew nearly 3 times to over ₹65,000 crore in August

Mutual funds register strong inflows from the industry 65,000 crore in August this year due to…

How digital innovations can further strengthen the personal finance market

The COVID-19 pandemic that affected the world in 2020 was a harsh reality and caused huge…

Zero TDS on SIP in cryptocurrencies, investment is only ₹ 75. starts with

Currently, the cryptocurrency market in India is grappling with several tax regulations. Firstly, a 30% tax…

MF SIP: 5 mistakes small-cap investors must make in a volatile market

Mutual Fund SIP: In the rebound in the stock market after the Covid-19 pandemic, small-cap mutual…