Omicron scare: Karnataka issues new guidelines after 2 South African nationals test positive for COVID 10 points

Image Source: AP A health worker takes nasal swab sample to test for COVID-19 in Jammu…

WHO names new covid variant ‘Omicron’, classifies it as ‘highly transmissible’ virus

Image Source: AP WHO names new covid variant ‘Omicron’, classifies it as ‘highly transmissible’ virus Highlight…

New Covid strain named Omicron, classified as “Worry Type” by WHO

The B.1.1529 strain of Covid-19 was first detected in South Africa (Representational) Geneva: The World Health…

Coronavirus Live | WHO convenes meeting of experts to assess new COVID-19 variant

A new COVID-19 variant has been detected in South Africa that has infected 22 people and…

Israel detects case of new covid variant first found in South Africa

Israel said two more cases of people returning from abroad have been placed in quarantine. (file)…

Germany to declare South Africa virus variant region, travel curbs on: report

Germans returning from South Africa, even those vaccinated, will have to spend 14 days in quarantine.…