sputnik v puzzle

Why could the Supreme Court hear a petition seeking amendments to the Government of India’s COVID-19…

‘India’s harsh booster policy is hurting immunocompromised patients’

One of India’s top oncologists says the government should revise its policy on booster doses as…

India approves Sputnik Lite COVID shot without vaccination

The Indian manufacturer of the shot said on Monday that India has approved Russia’s one-shot Sputnik…

Two doses of Sputnik provide two times more antibodies against Omicron than Pfizer vaccine: Study

The Sputnik V vaccine is developed by the Gamleya National Research Center of Epidemiology and Microbiology…

‘Sputnik V 75% effective against Omicron, if…’

The Sputnik V COVID-19 vaccine is 75% effective against Omicron, vaccine developer Russia’s Gamalya Research Center…

Sputnik V will submit vaccine data to WHO by the end of December

The Russian manufacturer of the COVID-19 Sputnik V vaccine is due to submit its latest clinical…

Protecting youth: on COVID-19 vaccines and booster shots for children

India must accelerate efforts to increase supply of boosters and vaccines for children Pune-based Serum Institute…

protection of youth

India must accelerate efforts to increase the supply of boosters and vaccines for children.

SII may cut monthly production of Covishield by half amid fall in demand

Stating that Covishield’s exports are also slow at present, Adar Poonawalla said export orders will pick…

Omron Edition | Health ministry directs states to increase testing

The Health Ministry has written a letter to the state governments saying that it is extremely…