Incorrect signal: on MediaOne

The Kerala High Court’s decision upholding the government’s decision to revoke the broadcast permission granted to…

mental illness, mental illness

The Pegasus espionage scandal is not an issue of political battle between the opposition and the…

Pegasus spyware: Congress alleges government betrayed Parliament

The Congress on Saturday launched an all-out attack on the government, accusing it of betraying Parliament,…

What we learned about smartphone cracker Pegasus – Times of India

This article originally appeared in The New York TimesIt is widely considered the world’s most powerful…

Pegasus spyware deployed against El Salvador journalists and activists

A joint investigation by organizations including Amnesty International and Citizen Lab, a research group at the…

Continue the investigation: On the investigation of the Pegasus surveillance

The use of flags in Pegasus’s latest report needs to be tested to its logical conclusion…

The malware that spied on thousands of Android devices was removed. key points

Spyware are malicious applications that are used by cybercriminals to spy on stealing data from devices.…

Bugs Sue From Bugs, Weather Peggy?

iPhone will fix.

Apple sues Pegasus-maker Israeli firm for targeting its users

In a statement to AFP, the NSO group said it would continue to advocate for the…

Pegasus when apple implemented on its blog-

symbolic photo. Fruits: Apple would have applied the same in terms of battery life being particularly…